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18 July, 2021

..Venezuela - 2018 Prints from 2 to 500 Bolivares

 Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
(Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)

Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV)
(Central Bank of Venezuela)
Currency - Bolivar (VEF)
Here is a full set of Venezuelan banknotes from 2 to 500 bolivares all printed with the year date of 2018. These notes have since been replaced by much higher denomination of banknotes mainly due to the current ongoing socioeconomic crises and the run away hyperinflation the country is facing. These notes are now worth less than the paper it's printed on, as the highest value of note issued is now 1,000,000 bolivares. In fact, these notes are now worthless to the Venezuelans. Given that these are worthless, there are no shortage of supply, especially in uncirculated conditions. Despite these notes have no purchasing power, there are still worth something to collectors. Collecting them are just like collecting those Zimbabwe worthless notes issued in the 2000s.

The themes for this series are famous people on the front and wild animals and national parks on the back. Whilst I have all the notes here, this is not a full set as there are reprints for some denominations specially for those higher value which I do not have. The first issues are all dated 15.01.2018. All notes are printed vertically on the front and horizontal on the back.
President (BCV) - Calixto Ortega Sanchez
Vice President (BCV) - Sohail Hernandez

Dimensions - 157mm x 69mm (for all notes)
Two Bolivares
Dated 15.01.2018, Josefa Camejo
Cotorra cabeciamarilla parrot, National Park Morocoy, Cayo Sal

 Five Bolivares
Dated 15.01.2018, José Félix Ribas (by Martín Tovar y Tovar)
Sapito rayado frog, National Park "Henri Pittier", Valles de Aragua

Ten Bolivares
Dated 15.01.2018, General Rafael Urdaneta
Oso palmero ant eater, National Park "Ciénagas de Juan Manuel"

 Twenty Bolivares
Dated 15.01.2018, Simón Rodríguez
Jaguar, National Park "Waraira Repano", Caracas

 Fifty Bolivares
Dated 18.05.2018, Antonio José de Sucre
Cunaguaro, National Park "Península de Paria", Playa Medina

One Hundred Bolivares
Dated 15.01.2018, Ezequiel Zamora
Guacamayo verde bird, National Park "Waraira Repano", Caracas

Two Hundred Bolivares
Dated 13.05.2018, Francisco de Miranda
Guacamayo verde bird, National Park "Waraira Repano", Caracas

Five Hundred Bolivares
Dated 15.01.2018, Simón Bolívar
Turpial bird, National Park "Macarao", Caracas
Five Hundred Bolivares
Dated 18.05.2018, Simón Bolívar
Turpial bird, National Park "Macarao", Caracas


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