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01 October, 2024

...East Caribbean - $50 Polymer 2024 - Grenada 50th Year Of Independence 1974-2024

Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
(Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe and Martinique)

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (Est. 1983)      
Currency : Dollar (CXD)
This is a commemorative polymer note of $50 issued in August 2024 for the celebration of Grenada's 50th Year of Independence anniversary from the British. Despite gaining full independence, the country adopted a unitary parliamentary system with King Charles III as the Head of State (King of Grenada) and has been represented by a Governor-General, Dame Cecile Ellen Fleurette La Grenade since 2013. Grenada was one of the founding members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States when it was first established on 18.06.1981. Prior to this, Grenada was a member of the West Indies Associated States (together with Antigua, Dominica, Saint Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent). Grenada's association ended in 1974 when it became independent.
The British officially invaded Grenada on 10.02.1763 under the Treaty of Paris. On 03.03.1967, the country was granted full autonomy and on 07.02.1974, it became fully independent with Eric Gairy (b.1922-1997) becoming the first Prime Minister, serving from 1974 to 1979.
Grenada is situated north of Trinidad and Tobago and consists of one main island and a few other smaller islands to the north. It has a small population of around 125,000+/-. Grenada briefly became world famous in the early 1980s. If you have followed world news then, you will remember that this tiny nation was invaded by the USA during the administration of President Ronald Reagan in 1983. The invasion was carried out due to differences in political ideological ideas and policies among the ruling party and the USA. At that time, the Grenada government was very friendly to Cuba (and to the Soviet Union) and because of this the USA was not too happy to have a pro Cuban nation so close to home that may pose a security threat to them. I believe this is the only USA's invasion of a foreign power that ended successfully since the end of the Second World War in 1945. The invasion was brief and only lasted for 8 days (25.10.1983-02.11.1983). Despite having a much superior firing power against the Grenadian forces (and the Cubans), the USA lost 19 of its soldiers in this conflict.

This commemorative banknote honours famous people of Grenada for their pivotal roles in shaping Grenada's history. The designs for this note incorporates Grenada's culture and landmarks and it's achievements since gaining independence.
This note is printed in vertical format, both front and back on SAFEGUARD® polymer substrate. It is believed that more commemorative banknotes will be issued when other members of the Eastern Caribbean States celebrate their 50th Anniversary of Independence at a later date. Grenada was the first country to gain independence and as such the first member to issue this commemorative note. Out of the eleven members, Anguila is still a member of the British Overseas Territory and has not chosen to become an independent state yet. The Guadeloupe and Martinique are colonies of France and I believe they have been using the Euro currency since 2002. The British Virgin Islands is using the United States dollar, despite the name 'British'.

This note is undated (nd2024). So far, only two prefixes have been signed - AA and AB. According to the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank's website, this is a limited edition and the notes are only made available in Grenada only. However, this commemorative note is valid for legal tender in any of the member countries of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union. In addition to single note, special $50 notepacks are also sold for those who wish to keep this commemorative note as a souvenir and the issue prices are as follows; -

$50 Commemorative Bank Note Pack - US$30 per set;
$50 Golden Jubilee Commemorative Magazine - US$30 per set; and
$50 Commemorative Bundle Package $50 Note and Magazine - US$50 per set.
(Courtesy of De La Rue)
Fifty Dollars

Governor - Timothy N.J. Antoine (since 2016-)
Printer - De La Rue 
Prefix - AA
Dimensions - 69.5mm x 146mm
Front - Portrait of Sir Eric Matthew Gairy (b.1922-1997), the first Prime Minister of Grenada from 1974 to 1979. Whilst Eric Gairy was out of the country in 1979, Maurice Rupert Bishop staged a coup d'état and installed himself as the second Prime Minister. Prior to that, Eric Gairy was the Premier of Grenada from 1967 to 1974, and before that was the Chief Minister from 1961 to 1962. Next to him is the Grenadian famous Olympian 400 meters runner champion Kirani James who won a gold medal in the 2012 London Olympics, a silver medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics and a bronze medal at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. I believe he was not involved in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Below Eric Gairy is a silhouette of three people (family of three) appearing to be celebrating. To the right are the islands (map) of Grenada. The smaller maps are printed over a waterfall. There are at least seven waterfalls in Grenada but I am not sure which one this waterfall is related to. At the bottom is the silhouette of Maurice Bishop International Airport with a commercial airplane taxiing on the tarmac.

Back - Portrait of Maurice Rupert Bishop (b.1944-1983). He was the second Prime Minister of Grenada from 1976 to 1983. He was overthrown by his deputy Winston Bernard Coard (b.1944) on 13.10.1983 and executed on 19.10.1983 by Winston Bernard Coard's followers. He died at the age of 39 years old. Winston Bernard Coard then went on and ruled the country from 13.10.1983 to 19.10.1983 before he too was removed by General Hudson Austin (b.1938-2022). General Hudson Austin only ruled Grenada for 6 days before the USA's invasion. After the invasion, both Winston Bernard Coard and General Hudson Austin were put on trial and both were sentenced to death in 1986. In 1991, their sentences were then commuted to life and in 2007 both were released as free men. Whilst General Hudson Austin died in 2022, Winston Bernard Coard is still alive today. He has given up politics since he was freed in 2007. Below the portrait of Maurice Rupert Bishop is a woman dancing and supported by a musician team of three men playing drums.
Fifty Dollars

Governor - Timothy N.J. Antoine (since 2016-)
Printer - De La Rue 
Prefix - AB
Dimensions - 70mm x 145mm
Front - Fourteen tactile dots in the shape of a triangle are featured in the top left corner where the denomination of "50" is situated. To the right and below the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank's name, the commemorative text of "50 Years Grenada's Independence" is printed and over the image of Kirani James running, the following text is printed - "The difficult we do right away. The impossible will take time". At the bottom below the commercial plan, the following text is repeatedly printed in two rows in two different colours - One People One Journey One Future.
Back - Next to the portrait of Maurice Rupert Bishop are the two large digits of "50" representing 50 years of independence. The following text is printed over the two digits - Forward ever; backward never. At the bottom of the note is the bird-eye view of Grenada's capital city - Saint Georg's.

I personally find it interesting to see this note honouring both Eric Gairy and Maurice Rupert Bishop. Eric Gairy was allegedly reported to be very autocratic and corrupt during his term in office, and Maurice Rupert Bishop removed Eric Gairy, who was then the elected Prime Minister not via a democratic means but by force. I suppose they are still considered as national heroes in Grenada. I wonder what Winston Bernard Coard's opinion on the designs of this note is? 

01 September, 2024

...Brazil - 500 Cruzeiros 1972 Commemorative 150th Year of Independence 1822-1972

República Federativa do Brasil
(Federative Republic of Brazil)

Banco Central do Brasil
(Central Bank of Brazil, Est.1964)
Currency - Cruzeiro (1970-1981)

I have been trying to get this commemorative note for my collection for quite a while until now. Previously when I found one, it's either the asking price was very high or the condition was not what I was hoping for. I finally found one at one of the local small Sunday show/meet and I bought this note without hesitation. I have no idea if this was a good buy or simply just goodbye ($).
This is a 500 cruzeiros commemorative note first released in 1972 to celebrate Brazil's 150th year of Independence from Portugal. There are two main series for this issue (Series A and B) and in all, there are at least 5 varieties. The note that I have posted below is the 5th variety and was the last print for this series. As this is one of the 5 varieties, it is unlikely that I will go and hunt for the remaining four notes, as this can be a bit costly and not to mention that it might be hard to find in uncirculated condition too.
Portugal first claimed Brazil in April 1500 and controlled the colony directly from Lisbon in Portugal. In 1808, the capital of Brazil was then transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro. In 1815, it became a kingdom when the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves was formed. Independence was achieved in 1822 when the Empire of Brazil was established.
Five Hundred Cruzeiros
Front - Faces of five Brazilian different ethnicities, from L-R, a man facing left, and then with each face turning approximately 11+ degrees to the left and eventually the last one facing the front. I have no idea what ethnicity these five people are from. It appears that they are all males. To the far left are the values of 500, with two sets of 500s printed upside down. This note that I have is from the Series B with the prefix of B02002. The prefix range for this series is ranging from A00091 to B032563.
Presidente (Conselho Monetario) - Ername Galveas 
Presidente (Banco Central) - Carlos Geraldo Langoni
Watermarks - Year Date of 1822-1972 (150 years of independence)
Dimensions - 173mm x 78mm

Back - On the back, it depicts five maps of Brazil, showing different eras, from R-L: - 

Map of Descobrimento (Discovery) - showing the eastern side of the country;

Map of Comercio (Trade) - showing natives felling trees and manufacturing goods and a ship from Portugal sailing toward the coast of Brazil;

Map of Colonizacao (Colonisation) - showing vast land area invaded by the Portuguese;

Map of Independencia (Independence) - showing the map of Brazil with boundaries of all states that made up the country; and

Map of Integracao (Integration) - showing (presumably) progress and developments with imaginative seven highways connecting the whole country.

22 August, 2024

...Bermuda - $20 Dated 01.01.2009 Third Prints Hybrid (Third Print)

(British Overseas Territory)

Bermuda Monetary Authority (Est.1969)
Currency - Dollar (BMD)
This is a third print of the $20 Hybrid note, since it was first introduced in 2009. The theme for this series are local animals on the front and well known places or buildings on the back. As this is a reprint, it also has a new Chairman's signature on the note. There are no changes to the design except for the signature. This note is also printed with the date of 01.01.2009.

Twenty Dollars (Hybrid)

Front - A Lesser Antillean whistling frog resting on a tree branch. To the locals, they are simply known as whistling frogs or tree frogs. Printed on the top are two sailboats, and at the bottom left is the bust of the late Queen Elizabeth the Second.
Signatures: -
Chairman - Gerald Simons (tenure 2012-2018)
Director - Anthony Joaquin
Dimensions - 68mm x 140mm
Watermarks - Hibiscus flower and a sailboat
Back - On the left is the St Marks Church. The church is located on South Road in Smiths Parish. Construction for the church started in 1847 and was named after St. Marks who wrote the second gospel. To the right is the Gibbs Hill lighthouse. This white in colour lighthouse was built in 1844, and until June 1964, this lighthouse was run by hand. The lighthouse is 108 meters tall and is the tallest lighthouse in Bermuda.


14 April, 2024

...Mexico - 20 Pesos Commemorative Polymer Banknotes Dated 05 October 2021

 Estados Unidos Mexicanos
(United Mexican States)

Banco de Mexico (est.1925)
(Bank of Mexico)
Currency : Peso (MXN)
Here are the reprints of five banknotes all dated 05.10.2021. These are commemorative notes released to celebrate the Bicentennial of Independence of Mexico from Spanish rule. Independence was achieved  on 27.09.1810. The war for independence started on 16.09.1810.
Twenty Pesos
Galia Borja Gonez & Alejandro Alegre Rabiela
Front - The note depicts the scene of the arrival of the army of Three Guarantees at Mexico City on 27.09.1821. The Three Guarantees was formed on 24.02.1821 for the purpose of getting independence from Spanish rule. The leader for the independence movement was Agustin de Itubide (b.1783-1824), who then briefly became the Emperor of Mexico from 1822 to 1823. It didn't end up good for him either. He became unpopular and was forced into exile. He then returned to Mexico, arrested and put on trial. He was found guilty by the local legislature and executed on 19.07.1824 by a firing squad. He died at the age of 40 years old.
In between the arrival scenes are printed with two flags. The one on the left is the flag of the Three Guarantees (1821-1824), and on the right is the current flag of Mexico. The two year dates of 1821 and 2021 are also printed vertically on the right. These note are all dated 5 OCT 2021 (05.10.2021).
Dimensions - 121mm x 65.5mm
Twenty Pesos
Alejandro Diaz de Leon Carillo & Alejandro Alegre Rabiela
Twenty Pesos
Irene Espinosa Cantellano & Alejandro Alegre Rabiela
Twenty Pesos
Jonathan Heath Constable & Alejandro Alegre Rabiela
Twenty Pesos
Gerardo Esquivel Hernandez & Alejandro Alegre Rabiela
Back - On the back it depicts a Mexican crocodile floating on a mangrove swamp. A crane flying above. The reverse of the note is printed in a vertical format.
Crocodile and crane

08 March, 2024

...East Caribbean - $2 2023 Commemorative 40th Year of Eastern Caribbean Central Bank 1983-2023

 Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
(Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe and Martinique)

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (est. 1983)
Currency : Dollar (CXD)
This is a new $2 commemorative polymer note issued for the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank. The announcement of the new $2 note was made on 01.12.2023 by the Minister for Finance of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Chairman of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) Monetary Council Camillo Gonsalves, and the Governor of ECCB Timothy N.J. Antoine. The commemorative notes were made available to the public via commercial banks on 06.12.2023.
The ECCB was established on 01.10.1983, succeeding the previous central bank, East Caribbean Currency Authority (1965-1983), and prior to that the British Caribbean Currency Board (1950-1965). The ECCB is the central bank for 8 island nations in the Eastern Caribbean. The countries that use the Eastern Caribbean Dollar are St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts & Nevis, and Saint Lucia. Whilst there are eleven members in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, the remaining three members (British Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe and Martinique) use other currencies.
The design for this commemorative note is completely new. Unlike those banknotes previously issued, there are no portraits of a British monarch (past or present) as part of the designs. Instead of a monarch, this note bears the image of a living legendary former West Indies cricketer Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards. 

Reports have indicated that only two million pieces have been issued, however, I have now sighted at least 4 prefixes - AA, AB, AC and AD and I have all four prefixes of the notes posted here.

Two Dollars
Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards (b.1952-)

Prefix AB
Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards (b.1952-)
Prefix AC
Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards (b.1952-)

Prefix AD
Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards (b.1952-)

Front - The legendary former West Indies cricketer and Antigua and Barbuda Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards (b.1952-) a.k.a. 'The Master Blaster', wielding a cricket bat. He represented the West Indies cricket team from 1974 to 1991 and is regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of all time. He first represented the West Indies cricket team in 1974 in a test match against India in Bangalore and in 1975, he helped the team by winning the inaugural Cricket World Cup final in London, by beating Australia. He captained the West Indies team from 1984 to 1991, and was the only captain that had never lost a Test series. He retired from the sport in 1993. In the middle left is the Eastern Caribbean Bank headquarters building located at Basseterre on the island of St Kitts. To the right is the commemorative logo. On the bottom it also features an aqua-blue tinted holographic foil. 
Governor - Timothy N.J. Antoine (since 2016-)
Printer - De La Rue
Quantity - 2.0 million pieces
Dimensions - 65.5mm x 133mm
Back - Aquatic design which depicts the region rich in marine lives. The design features a coral reef with fish (Queen Angelfish and Abudefduf Saxatliis or Sergeant-Major fish), a star fish and a Caribbean Sea turtle swimming around. Also printed on the notes are the islands of the Caribbean states of (top to bottom) Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Grenada, the nations that are currently using the Eastern Caribbean dollar currency. 
Coral reef